Posh-moda.co, a leading web site for designer replica handbags and accessories, offers 25 dollars for every friend you refer to its Friends and Family Referral Program.
Upon registration to the designer replica handbag site, customers are automatically registered to the program and are given a Referral Promo code. “Your loved ones will receive a 20-dollar discount on their order upon using your promo code. Here’s the better news: every time they use your promo code, you get a 25-dollar credit on your next purchase in our store,” reports Jenny Holloway of Poshmoda.com’s customer service group.
The Friends and Family Referral Program is exclusive to registered Poshmoda.com members. View the status of your referral credit by logging in to your account. Referral credit will be automatically deducted to your total during checkout.
To enrich every handbag shopping experience in the site, Poshmoda.com has also introduced its Member Points Reward Program, which gives registered users one reward point for every one dollar spent on any luxury handbag on the site – Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Hermes, Balenciaga, and other designer brands.
These are only among the deals available to Poshmoda.com customers, which Holloway reveals as growing by the day. “The Poshmoda community has never been this healthy and united in pursuing every new designer handbag trend. This is why we always innovate and ensure that our clients get their dream handbags and accessories – and always something more, like additional discounts,” she says.
Enjoy a 25-dollar store credit for every friend or loved one you refer to Poshmoda. For more information, visit http://www.poshmoda.co.
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