Designer handbag websites offer not only a wide selection of casual handbags, clutches, and evening bags, but also an array of luxury luggage and travel bags. Apart from being sturdy and enduring, these travel essentials are trendy and filled with the luxe elements of Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Balenciaga, and other designer brands.
Louis Vuitton bags are considered one of the leading in the luggage category. The iconic label is renowned for its luxury trunks and high-quality leather, a combination that’s sure to wow frequent travelers around the world.
Who would forget the Louis Vuitton Keepall? This roomy travel bag is available in classic Monogram, Multicolore, and Damier designs, to name a few. It’s known for its cabin size, removable strap for shoulder carry, and rolled leather handles.
The Damier collection, Louis Vuitton’s well-received men’s line, is made stronger by the LV Damier Geant Canvas Souverain. This travel bag is made of canvas with such ultra-strong technical fibers and has double zipped closure with padlock. What’s notable are its front flat pocket useful for a magazine or two and inside pockets in stretch canvas.
Also worthy of attention is the LV Damier Graphite Neo Greenwich, which comes with sleek black leather trim, double rolled handles with securing leather strap, and a tallish box shape that’s all about urban sophistication.
If you’re looking for stylish designer travel bags that will last for years, consider getting designer replica handbags for a fraction of the cost. Among the highly recommended in the online trade today are the premium selections of, trusted by customers worldwide for its excellent quality, reliable shipping and tracking, and 24/7 customer service.
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