Hermes handbags of the Birkin style are timeless fashion pieces. You can never go wrong if you purchase one for yourself. Named after actress and singer Jane Birkin, each Birkin is carefully handcrafted for about 48 man-hours before they are considered complete. It is usually made with exotic skin or leather of the best quality – a feature that makes the designer bag really exclusive and pricey.
The Fame of Hermes Bags
Birkin totes have attained such notoriety in the fashion world that they have been cited many times on hit TV shows. Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace, and Sex and the City have used the Hermes bag as a plot point for some of their episodes.
But their popularity also rose among the stars. Pop singer turned designer, Victoria Beckham, totes Hermes handbags every now and then. One of her favorites is a hot pink ostrich Hermes Birkin bag. Kelly Rutherford, who plays the character of Lily Van Der Woodsen on Gossip Girl, is also one of the brand’s loyal patrons. She was recently seen sporting a gold ostrich Hermes Birkin on the set of the TV series.
Original Hermes Totes vs. Replica Bags
Original Hermes bags retail around $25,000 per piece. They’re definitely an accessory only afforded by the rich and famous.
But you’ll be glad to know that more budget-friendly Birkin replicas are for sale online. Like the authentic totes, Hermes replica handbags are made of genuine ostrich/pebbled leather skin. They have silvertone hardware and have the same matching padlock and keys like those of the real thing. They also come with top flap closure, an inside zip pocket and flat open pocket. High quality Hermes replica bags feature double rolled leather handles and leather lining.
If you want to get for yourself a good, affordable Birkin replica, you may want to check out the gorgeous line of Hermes replica handbags on
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