Gucci replica handbags usually get our 100% attention, but this time we can’t help but cast long, lustful glances at the Gucci Fiat 500 Collection. This is undoubtedly a powerful one! The limited-edition Fiat 500 – a design partnership between Frida Giannini and Lapo Elkann – was recently unveiled and will be available in April for a whopping $24,000.
But if a Gucci-designed car isn’t simply your thing (and we would wonder why if you have the moolah for it), there’s the “500 by Gucci” line of leather goods, travel essentials, tracksuits, sunglasses, a watch, and other designer items for your luxurious taste. These items will also be available in Gucci stores and online by April.
And we’re pretty impressed: Gucci’s signature green-red-green web, posh nylon-like fabric, and roomy and functional qualities fit for a driving royalty. These are great collectibles to get and stare at for HOURS.
But hey, back to our old selves. In case you’re looking into getting another Gucci handbag, check out these Gucci replicas that will supply you with the same expensive look without you spending a fortune. Gucci wallets, shoulder bags, weekends… just take your pick!
Keep posted for more of the latest and the hottest in designer handbags news.