We don’t usually trust them when they say “vintage find,” but this Gucci Large Top Handle Satchel just might be the closest thing to accurately defining the phrase. It’s sweet, classic-looking, and reeks of romance, and we can’t get over the simplest details of this designer handbag.
This Gucci bag is made of deep brown leather and has such classy braid details. From the looks of it, there’s plenty of room offered inside, along with protective leather at the bottom. It’s something straight out of your vintage store dreams – but brand-new and designer-made this time!
This Gucci handbag isn’t exactly cheap at $5,300 at Saks Fifth Avenue. But who can argue with your penchant for Gucci, right? In case your budget doesn’t allow such exquisite authentic beauty like this, there are excellent designer replica handbags you can always choose from. And we’re with you all the way, whether it’s brand-new, thrifted, or a treasure dug up from your neighborhood vintage store.