Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gucci Large Top Handle Satchel

We don’t usually trust them when they say “vintage find,” but this Gucci Large Top Handle Satchel just might be the closest thing to accurately defining the phrase. It’s sweet, classic-looking, and reeks of romance, and we can’t get over the simplest details of this designer handbag.

This Gucci bag is made of deep brown leather and has such classy braid details. From the looks of it, there’s plenty of room offered inside, along with protective leather at the bottom. It’s something straight out of your vintage store dreams – but brand-new and designer-made this time!

This Gucci handbag isn’t exactly cheap at $5,300 at Saks Fifth Avenue. But who can argue with your penchant for Gucci, right? In case your budget doesn’t allow such exquisite authentic beauty like this, there are excellent designer replica handbags you can always choose from. And we’re with you all the way, whether it’s brand-new, thrifted, or a treasure dug up from your neighborhood vintage store.

Saturday, January 29, 2011 Offers Designer Jewelry for Less, a leading web site for designer replica handbags, offers designer jewelry -- along with designer bag and phone charms -- for $300 or less.
Get special deals on your favorite designer jewelry and accessories, including the Chanel Interlaced Chain Silk Ribbon Necklace, made of high-quality stainless steel in gold interlaced with liberty ribbon.’s lineup of Chanel jewelry includes the Chanel Black Onyx CC Bracelet, Chanel Pearl Fringe Necklace, Chanel Pearl Dangling Earrings, and Chanel Heart-Shaped Ruby Earrings. also offers select pieces from Bulgari, an internationally renowned brand creating Italian fine jewellery since 1884. Bulgari offerings on the website include two-toned, multi-ring, silver parentesi, and diamond pendant necklaces. You can also avail yourself of Bulgari stud and double ring earrings at special-offer prices.
French jeweler and watchmaker Cartier is also featured on the website with a premium selection of designer earrings, bracelets, and necklaces.
PurseValley also showcases Louis Vuitton bag and phone charms at less than $100. These designer accessories retail for around $650 and more in official LV outlets worldwide. sells the top-of-the-line luxury designer handbags and accessories. Its replica bags offer 100% mirror image quality and come with authenticity cards and markings. It creates designer replica handbags from genuine leather and canvas imported from Italy.
Unlike “fly-by-night” bag companies, it assembles its products at locations where it is legal to manufacture luxury items.
See special handbag offers here. For more information, visit

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shine with Louis Vuitton Eclipse Handbags

Louis Vuitton Eclipse replica handbags will bring out your inner shine and splendid! These golden, sequined finds are full of sophistication. The Material Girl herself, Madonna, is among the fashionista toting these Louis Vuitton handbags around. The good news? The LV Eclipse line is available in high-quality replica handbags that you’ll surely swoon over.

Great things come in small packages, so a popular saying goes. The Louis Vuitton Monogram Eclipse Pochette Accessoires is so elegant that you’ll never worry losing that luxe look. Its LV monogram is embossed with sequins and highlighted by calfskin leather trim, while a hotel room key inspired zip puller adds a rich touch to the goldtone hardware. Yes, that’s the sound of a bell summoning you to an extravagant dinner.

The Louis Vuitton Monogram Eclipse Speedy caters to Speedy loyalists with a shiny, splendid twist to the classic LV handbag shape. Steal that Hollywood goddess look with this LV handbag!

If size matters to you, the Louis Vuitton Monogram Eclipse Alma is out to impress. It has the same monogram leather kissed by golden splendor, along with a flat leather handle with handmade leather knots and graphic eyelets . All the chic elements combined with a large size are found in this Louis Vuitton handbag.

Designer replica handbags serve as an excellent alternative to authentic LV handbags of your dreams. Make sure to buy only from reputable websites. Read customer testimonials, look for a money-back guarantee, and scrutinize every designer handbag photo and description. Go after quality in the wild and wonderful world of replica handbags!

Saturday, January 22, 2011 Offers Christian Louboutin, Other Designer Shoes, a leading web site for designer replica handbags and accessories, introduces designer shoes to its roster. Online shoppers can now buy Christian Louboutin shoes -- mainly pumps, high heels, dress sandals, platform shoes, and wedges – from the online store.

Christian Louboutin is a high-end women’s shoes label born in France in 1991 and is best known for its signature shiny, red-lacquered soles.

Poshmoda touts affordable retail prices for its “Louboutins.” The Christian Louboutin Rolando Platform Pumps, for instance, retails for $1,200, but is available on the website for only about $210 and at a special deal price.

Aside from designer shoes, a comprehensive collection of Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Prada and other designer replica handbags – along with designer scarves, bag charms, and accessories – can be bought from the website, which boasts of 24/7 customer service and fast shipping of only about seven to 10 business days. sources its designer replica handbags from genuine leather and canvas from Italy. It assembles its products at locations where it is legal to manufacture luxury items.

Enjoy designer shoes, replica handbags and accessories to be shipped worldwide! For more information, visit

Sunday, January 16, 2011 Offers Store-Wide New Year Sale with Up To 50% Discounts, a leading web site for designer replica handbags and accessories, offers up to 50% off on Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Hermes, and other designer replica handbags to celebrate the New Year. This promo also applies to designer wallets, watches, scarves, and a wide range of accessories.

Aside from its store-wide holiday discounts, also touts its 24/7 customer service to more effectively track its direct, “no-middleman” shipping.

Unlike companies making poorly made knockoffs, creates designer replica handbags from genuine leather and canvas imported from Italy. It assembles its designer handbags at locations where manufacturing luxury items are legal.

It boasts of a comprehensive shipping system, including discreet packaging of designer replica handbags. Delivery time is about seven to 10 business days. The package, though, usually arrives sooner than the said delivery period. also provides a shipment confirmation e-mail that contains your order ID, online tracking number, online courier tracking link, and specific item(s) ordered. Shipment can be tracked easily by logging in to your Poshmoda account.

Enjoy up to 50% on designer replica handbags and accessories from in its New Year Sale. For more information, visit

Saturday, January 15, 2011 Offers Online ‘Personal Shopper’ of Luxury Designer Handbags, a leading web site for luxury designer handbags and accessories, targets to help its customers zero in on their favorite Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, and other high-quality handbags with the Personal Shopper feature.

Dubbed as “Your virtual stylist,” the Personal Shopper feature on the web site offers a step-by-step guide to choosing the best designer handbag, shoes, jewelry, sunglasses, and other accessories suited to one’s personality. A online form will inquire on one’s preferred designer brands, styles, and colors through check boxes and provide the best product matches.

Sara Bushnell, a 26-year-old dental assistant from Daly City, CA, recently bought the limited-edition silver Chanel Puffy Quilted Clutch and Shoulder Bag using the Personal Shopper. “The feature was simple and efficient. It was a no-brainer for me – only a quilted Chanel chain bag will make the cut,” she shares.

Among the latest offerings of, the Chanel Puffy Quilted Clutch and Shoulder Bag is made of genuine quilted calfskin leather and has goldtone hardware. Its zip top closure is accented by leather tassels.

This Chanel handbag and other premium finds are also featured in the web site’s weekly specials under $199. manufactures and sells the top-of-the-line luxury designer handbags and accessories at a fraction of the cost of authentic designer handbags. Its replica bags offer 100% mirror image quality and come with authenticity cards and markings.

Access the Personal Shopper feature of here.